
More than seven thousand jobs will be created during the constructions


The new bridge and new highway system will boost Bahia’s economy. The state’s GDP, which is currently concentrated in the metropolitan area of Salvador, will be more evenly distributed throughout the state’s countryside.


The tourist potential of various cities will be explored, mainly in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, and Recôncavo Sul and Baixo Sul (South and Deep South Reconcavo region).


The project will create a shorter and faster connection between the capital and the BR-101, BR-116 and BR-242 highways. The travel distance will be reduced by approximately 100 kilometers.

Traffic Volume

The expectation is to reach a flow of 28,000 vehicles per day at the beginning of operation. In Salvador, the bridge will be accessible in the neighborhood of Água de Meninos. On Itaparica Island, the bridge approach will be located in the Gameleira region.


The Bridge will be the longest over water in the Latin America

Benefited Cities

250 municipalities will benefit from the project. Most of them are located in Reconcavo Sul, Baixo Sul and the metropolitan region of Salvador. Approximately 10 millions of people in Bahia will have access to services, both directly and indirectly


Implementing educational and socio-environmental programs that will enable the local population to become trained in various fields of activity.